President’s Blog – November 2024
I’m writing this having got back home following another fabulous matchday lunch at our spiritual home, Sandbach Rugby Club, where the OSA were once again sponsoring the matchball. I can’t praise the club too highly.
I’m writing this having got back home following another fabulous matchday lunch at our spiritual home, Sandbach Rugby Club, where the OSA were once again sponsoring the matchball. I can’t praise the club too highly.
It is said that a sign of a good time is that no one wants it to end. So the fact that there were more than half the guests still mingling when the night ended, was evidence that this was certainly the case at the Former Cadets’ Dining In Night!
Once again, OSA President Mark Bowland, and Vice President Jeff Lewis joined the annual Remembrance Sunday parade through the town, and jointly laid a wreath at the town’s War Memorial.
Once again the OSA will be joining the Sandbach Remembrance Parade this year, and new President Mark Bowland will lay a wreath on behalf of the Old Sandbachians’ Association.
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