We recently received the sad news of the death of Gordon Carter. I remember Gordon from my rugby days. He was a wonderful person and a gifted player, which was apparent still in his later career.
Andrew Messenger sent this affectionate obituary
I wish to inform you that a fellow former pupil & lifelong friend of mine from our schooldays, Gordon J Carter, has sadly passed away on 5th February 2018. Gordon attended Sandbach School 1962-67, he was a wonderful athlete & best rugby player in the School even as a 16 year old. Above all he was a gentle man, full of kindness & consideration for others with a quick wit-laughter followed him everywhere. He, like me, loved Sandbach School & always remembered it fondly, knowing it gave him the foundation for happy life. We shared a special day in October 2016 when we revisited the School with two other ex school friends-we were kindly showed around our old classrooms, the sports fields-the memories came flooding back. We also went on to dine with Geoffrey Piggott And Colin Eastwood excellent inspirational ex masters of ours who pointed us in the right direction all those years ago. We will always be grateful for those memories-thank you. Gordon leaves a widow, Maria, who lives in Llandudno where they retired just 2 years ago.