Back to School
On Saturday 27th November 2021, for the first time in more than two years due to Covid restrictions, the Old Sandbachians’ Association were finally back where we belong – at Sandbach School.
Perhaps more importantly for many of us, we were back in the refectory (or canteen depending on your era) – the place where the food is! And what a spread the Sandbach Refectory team gave us.
Photos below were taken by Jeff Lewis and Mark Bowland.
Food & Friends
The day started with the food and the chance to get together with so many of our fellow Old Boys, and also some former teachers – all of whom absolute legends of the school. We were also honoured to be joined by Head Teacher Sarah Burns, and two members of the Head Boy/Girl Team.
Reg & Geoff
The fantastic food – with doggy bags provided – was followed by a powerful and moving service of thanksgiving for the lives of Reg Dunning and Geoff Piggott, both of whom we have so sadly lost in recent times. Many people gave powerful speeches in tribute to these incredible men who were an inspiration to so many of us in so many ways and whose names are now permanently associated with our school and our town. Pianist was Diana from the Head Boy/Girl Team, who kindly gave up her Saturday to expertly play for us.
Brand New Buildings
Finally, Sarah Burns and the Head Boys’ Team kindly gave us a tour of the amazing new Dunning Arts Centre. This new building replaced the old Rigby Block (or Design Block depending on your era) and is a fantastic addition to the school facilities.
A fantastic day and some wonderful stories shared by all.
The OSA would like to place on record our appreciation for all those who gave their time on a Saturday to facilitate this event, and also to those who attended.
Join Us
If you would like to attend future events, we’ll be having many more – why not join the Old Sandbachians’ Association? Click HERE.