Welcome to this Summer Newsletter. It is definitely overdue. It seems that after so much time life is finally back to normal. In this letter we want to give you an update on the summer AGM & Lunch, which takes place on July 15th at the school, the membership progress and plans for the autumn and winter.
A Word from the Secretary…
I am writing this piece from 9,000 feet up in the Andes, in the Sacred Valley home many Inca ruins including the modern Wonder of the World Maccu Picchu. The Incas were incredible buidlers and scientists, and many of the terraces are still used, or the process copied for modern farming.
I booked this trip for my 60th Birthday, meaning I left Sandbach School almost 42 years ago. The OSA has helped me reflect on how much I have changed, especially as friendships are renewed after so many years. To paraphrase Red from Shawshank Redemption, “I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who thought he knew everything. I want to talk to him. I want to try to talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are, but I can’t. That kid is long gone. But that’s OK, because this man that is left is all the better for all those experiences”.
I hope that as you look back on your school time, and there will always be good and bad, you also cherish the person you were, and you are now and maybe give a quick nod to the part Sandbach School played in the process.
AGM and Lunch
This year’s event takes place on 15th July at the school, with a full day of activities. After the Service in the Chapel at 11AM, the AGM takes place. It is open to all although only members can vote. After that our special lunch will honour teachers past and present. Starting with one former Head and the current Head, teachers who have already accepted include Glynn Robinson, John Owen, Keith Ludlam and Simon Robertson. Over 50 years we estimate more than 8,000 pupils would have passed through the school gates.
The cost is £25 for members and £30 for non-members. If you join as part of the booking then the member’s price applies. For those who have never been the School Catering is an award-winning, in-house team which provides incredible fork buffet lunch. Bach95 have been booked to provide the bar.
The day will end with an inter-house sports competition. It should be a real celebration and if you have not booked please do so here. For those who have already booked – look forward to seeing you.
News from the School…
John, Jeff and Steve were honoured to represent the OSA at this year’s CCF Dining In Event. This special award evening, Hosted by Lt. Colonel Richard Ayres, recognised the young cadets and also long serving Contingent Commander Kev Sykes. It is a tribute to the school, and the commitment of Kevin, Richard, and before them, the likes of Geoff Piggott, & Glynn Robinson, that the CCF is as important and prosperous today as it has ever been.
This year the school put on a spectacular performance of Les Misérables, which was an incredible success. So often we read of the sporting success of the school, but the performing arts, including incredible musical performances, also goes from strength to strength. In the future we will try and let you know via the Facebook page which events are coming up.
Membership just keeps growing…
Less than 10 years ago the “paid” membership of the OSA was about 30. Our current membership is 104 and we are grateful to everyone who has signed up and paid subscriptions. We have full members on 4 continents, showing how far old boys / girls continue to travel and settle. The growth is in no small part due to the website and Facebook page, with the latter having over 1000 members.
If you are not yet a full member please consider joining. The process is easy and unlocks exclusive discounts and website content. For those who are members of the Facebook group, it would be fantastic to see some of the 90% who are non-members sign up. We have set our self a target to reach 200 by the end of 2024! The greater the membership the greater the practical support we can provide to the school. We have provided circa £1,000 funding to the Head Teacher Fund and for special projects in the last 5 years. Earlier we presented a cheque for £1,000 to Sarah Burns for this school year.
Finally, we want to know what you as members and potential members want.
For example we used to run a golf day but attendance fell so it has not been run for several years. Should we restart? Here’s a link to the video of a rather wet but very enjoyable day a few years ago.
The rest of the year…
Regulars at Sandbach Rugby Club may have noticed the Score Board is partly sponsored by Sandbach School and the Old Sandbachians. We will be continuing this for the 23-24 season. Look out for a date when we will combine the sponsorship with a lunch at the club for a home match.
The School Carol Service in December is also a focal point for a OSA Christmas Drinks. Watch out for news of this later in the year.
Thanks for taking the time to read. Please do sign up for the Annual Lunch and help us double our membership by the end of 2024!