For the first time the OSA will be joining the Sandbach Remembrance Parade this year, and new President Mark Bowland will lay a wreath on behalf of the Old Sandbachians’ Association.
Mark said, “Having marched on the parade with the CCF (a long time ago – see pictures) and having attended virtually every parade since as a spectator, it has always been on my mind that the Old Sandbachians should have a presence at this important event. So with the help of our friends at the Sandbach Royal British Legion, it is a special honour to be able to join the parade and lay a wreath this Sunday.”
Mark will be joined at the War Memorial by OSA Secretary Jeff Lewis. There is warm invitation to all local (and not so local) former pupils and staff to join them on Sunday 12th at Westfields Sandbach where the parade begins at 10:30, with the march commencing at 10:40.