It’s been a great start to the New Year! England winning an epic test match in India and the latest resurgence in West Indies cricket, a new men’s tennis Grand Slam winner, rugby’s Louis Rees-Zammit heading to try his luck at American Football and Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp also planning to leave English football for pastures new!
In other news, Cheshire East voted to introduce parking fees in areas of Sandbach, much to the anger of local residents! So what?
Well, it just shows that the world keeps moving on, evolving, responding to change and driving more change. Even things that seem immovable – resolutely anchored in history – are seldom spared from this inevitability.
Which brings me nicely to the Old Sandbachians. This year, it will be circa 120 years since the organisation held its first meetings. How things have changed since those early days when old boys continued to be intrinsically linked to the great Sandbach School. The early OSA events were well attended and Head Teacher, staff and Governors mixed with recent and not-so-recent pupils. Grand dinners and summer fetes intermingled with regular sports events, staff versus old boys and old boys versus school first teams! Sadly, those sports days are a thing of the past it seems. Although, remembering some bruising staff versus boys rugby matches and Micky Seales fizzing another screamer past my un-helmeted head in the cricket match, maybe this is not a bad thing!
The OSA has too had to change. No longer do the majority of old boys stay local. The 1200-plus members of our Facebook page are spread across 32 countries in 5 continents. The huge increase in numbers of the school means that there are former pupils in so many varying jobs, many of which did not even exist, even 50 years ago! Cloud computing, digital media, nano-technology, micro-surgery to name but a few! And along with this the growth in home entertainment. Let’s face it; with home deliveries, video-medicine, streaming and gaming platforms, you don’t actually need to leave your home for anything!
But you should! Not only is it good for one’s physical and mental health, it is good for the Old Sandbachians! The association seeks to bring former students and staff together, to share a memory, a laugh and a drink as we hopefully raise a few coppers to support the current generation of pupils. It also exists to uphold the memories, traditions and culture of this incredible educational institution. We do this not just amongst ourselves, but by input, where we can, into the school, its staff and – most of all – its pupils.
We want to be modern. We need to be modern! But we must also stay rooted in the 100-plus years of OSA history. And so, whilst we communicate and market through digital media, we celebrate through lunches, sporting occasions and school events. We recognise participation through membership. We use the fees and our profit and our professional skills to support the school where we can.
So, as a former pupil or staff member, why not come along to one of our events? The more interest, the more events. Why not become a full member and enjoy discounts and access to other members and content through our secure portal, whilst knowing your money is helping a current student? Our current president Mark said he would like to see full membership grow to 200 under his stewardship. Thanks to the 130 boys and staff who already contribute to this target.
Why not become part of that vision and sign up now? If you are not yet sure, join us at Sandbach Rugby Club on 2nd March (BOOK HERE!) or at the school for the Annual Lunch on July 13th (BOOK HERE!). Or, just send us an email – we would love to hear from you.
If we’ve convinced you and you’re ready to join right now, you can do that HERE.
Whatever you decide to do, remember you are part of a great history and a school which continues to deliver educational excellence!