Once again the OSA will be joining the Sandbach Remembrance Parade this year, and President Mark Bowland will lay a wreath on behalf of the Old Sandbachians’ Association.
Mark said, “Having marched on the parade with the CCF (a long time ago – see picture) and having attended virtually every parade since as a spectator, it has always been on my mind that the Old Sandbachians should have a presence at this important event. So with the help of our friends at the Sandbach Royal British Legion, it is a special honour to be able to join the parade and lay a wreath this Sunday.”
Mark will be joined at the War Memorial by OSA Vice President Jeff Lewis. There is a warm invitation to all local (and not so local) former pupils and staff to join them on Sunday 10th November at Westfields Sandbach where the parade begins at 10:30, with the march commencing at 10:40.