AGM and Summer Reception 2022
Sandbach School
Crewe Road, Sandbach CW11 3NS
We are delighted to invite you to our flagship summer event at Sandbach School on Saturday, July 16th . This will be our first AGM for 2 years, and we are combining this with a buffet lunch and also a special guest of former staff member John Owen. To start the day we will also be holding our annual Service in the school chapel.
The buffet lunch replaces the September AGM and annual dinner, and we trust that by moving to the summer and a lunch time slot it will attract many old boys to attend. We are also delighted that we will have a number of current sixth form pupils to join us. The plan is that they will have the opportunity to mingle with former pupils and ask us about life after school and what the OSA means. After the meal John Owen will lead a tour of some of the buildings and point out some of the interesting architectural features.
The cost for the lunch is £18 for members and £20 for non-members. If you pay your joining and / or annual fee at the same time the price will be £18. Those who joined us last November will remember how good it was!
The full agenda is as follows
11:30 – Chapel Service
12:15 – AGM in chapel
12:45 – Bar opens
13:30 – Buffet
14:00 – Short Speeches
15:15 – John Owen Tour
16:30 – Close
We do hope you can join us
To book please use the form below.