Colin Brown completes Alzheimers Society Memory Walk

Former Sandbach School headteacher, Colin Brown, last week completed a Memory Walk for the Alzheimer’s Society, in honour of his late wife, Christine, who sadly passed away in January 2022.

The Old Sandbachians’ Association has been delighted to hear of Colin’s efforts.

Colin told us;

My thanks to those of you who were kind and generous enough to sponsor my recent Memory Walk. To date, my appeal, including gift aid and off-line cheques, has raised just a tad under £2500.00 which I would not have thought possible when I began things. If you suddenly realise you meant to sponsor me but it had slipped your mind the online facility is still open!!

The event went very well indeed drawing hundreds of walkers in good weather and we were all relieved that the route had been amended to avoid the confrontations with the rutting stags that made headlines the previous week.”

Best wishes to everyone and I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the Dining-In Night in November

As Colin says, there’s still time to support this very deserving cause via Colin’s JustGiving page. If you think you can spare anything – however small – please visit