I write on a Saturday morning at 10:20, with storm Dennis battering the UK.
My mind drifted back to such days at school. Somewhere in the region we would be smothering Vaseline on our legs to try and keep the cold out before exiting, a most likely, cold changing room and heading onto a windswept rugby pitch.
Rain lashing across the field, we wait desperately for that whistle which releases the adrenalin and switched our synapses to focus on the game and endure the weather.
I am excited that many of the boys that shared that experience week in week out will be attending the OSA London Reception on March 28th at the Royal Air Force club. This is our third time hosting this event and each time it increases in popularity. We have almost 50 people booked in but still have space for another dozen, so it’s not too late to book.
It is fantastic that as well as old boys form the South of England, there is a large contingent heading south from Cheshire. In addition, we have guests flying in from Europe and the USA. This year we have a father and son combination and our guests span 70 years of School history.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to share experiences and meet old and new friends, whilst enjoying a drink and good food in the magnificent surroundings of the RAF Club. You can book your place by emailing news@oldsandbachians.co.uk or completing the booking form on the website and posting to the school.
We also want to give you some dates for the coming weeks and the summer. On February 28th the Old Sandbachians has joined with the school to hold a pilot Business Network. It will be a breakfast event taking place at the new Sixth Form Centre on Crewe Road.
This is not a franchise event to compete with existing organisations. It is just an opportunity for old boys who are in business to meet other like minded Sandbachians and potentially network for business. We hope that through this we can build links back to the school and encourage old boys to support the school through their skills and time as the opportunity arises.
To book a place at the breakfast meeting go to the school website.
On June 19th we have the Golf Day. Numbers have fallen recently so we are looking for new blood. The Texas Scramble format means everyone gets to contribute to the team. Watch for details on Facebook and the Website.
The following week we have again linked with the school to hold our first summer Sandbach Reception. On June 27th we will have a full afternoon of activities centering on a buffet lunch. Our aim is to hold some form of cricket match involving old boys, staff and current students. Dr Tony Bartley will also be bringing his fascinating insight into the building history to life with a walking tour.
We have deliberately chosen this date to coincide with the school’s now memorable annual big band concert Viva Las Vegas. All the details will be released after our next committee meeting later this month.
Finally please keep sending in stories and pictures for the Facebook page and the website. Email us at news@oldsandbachians.co.uk and we look forward to meeting you at one of these events.
In the meantime, please keep an eye on our new website for details of upcoming events, informative articles and other important information:
Jeff Lewis
Old Sandbachians Association