The Old Sandbachians’ Association attended the Sandbach School Senior Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 4th July, at the school. Representing the Association were Treasurer, Steve Hodgkinson MBE and Vice President, Mark Bowland, both of whom were greatly honoured to be invited on stage alongside Headteacher Mrs Sarah Burns and Chair of the School Governing Board, Peter Sherratt, to present a special Old Sandbachians’ Award.
The Old Sandbachians’ Award is an annual award given to an outgoing member of the Head Boy/Girl team in recognition of his/her service to the school in their year of office. He/she receives an engraved tankard which is his/hers to keep.
This year the award was given to Eloise Williams and Will Dobson.
We were honoured to meet both recipients as their journey at Sandbach School comes to an end. All of us at the Old Sandbachians’ offer our heartfelt congratulations at winning this award. All of us know the hard work that has been put in to get this point, and we wish both Eloise and Will the very best as they embark on their next challenges. We hope they will stay in touch with us and keep the Association updated with what they are up to.
Our grateful thanks to the school for inviting us along, it is, as always, a great honour to be there. The whole ceremony is expertly put on and a fantastic event to attend.
Click below for the full size photograph.