Obituary: Sean Worth

October 23, 2021 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association is deeply saddened to announce Sean Worth died on 22nd October 2021, quite suddenly.
Sean was at the school in the year from 1973 -1980. He was a regular contributor to our Facebook group.

Funeral of Geoff Piggott

October 22, 2021 OSA Admin 0

We have had many enquiries about the arrangements for Geoff’s funeral, which is a reflection of the huge respect and affection that so many Old Sandbachians had for him.
His family have decided on a private funeral service. The hearse will drive through the grounds of the School.

Geoff Piggott dies aged 93

October 14, 2021 OSA Admin 0

It is with incredible sadness that we have to let you know that Geoff Piggott passed away on Tuesday (12th October). Geoff joined the staff as Head of Geography in 1954, remaining at the school until his retirement in 1987. He served under five headmasters and covered five generations of pupils.

Obituary: Michael Robinson

September 29, 2021 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association was deeply saddened to hear of the death on 13th September 2021 of Michael Robinson, an “old boy” of the school, suddenly, at the age of 50.

Obituary: Reverend Jon Francis

March 17, 2021 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association was saddened to hear of the death of former headteacher of Sandbach School, Reverend Jon Francis.
Rev. Francis, a music and education graduate who was ordained in his early 20s, had studied music in Birmingham.

New Date Set for London 2020 Reception

February 22, 2021 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association is delighted to announce a new date for our much postponed London 2020 Reception.
Following on from the UK government’s recent “roadmap” announcement, we now feel confident the event can finally take place on Saturday, June 26th, 2021

Interview: Cyril Horsley – Part 3

February 19, 2021 OSA Admin 0

Cyril Horsley was at Sandbach School from 1938. He is the oldest Sandbachian that we know. He attended St Peter’s Primary School in Elworth, where he was a friend the late Reg Dunning. He was at the school through the war years and was able to give a unique insight into life in those difficult times.

Sandbach School Commemoration Day 2020

January 17, 2021 OSA Admin 0

Sandbach School paid tribute to the remarkable contribution of Old Sandbachian stalwart, Reg Dunning BEM, at the annual Commemoration Day service held in the school chapel on 22nd October 2020.