Interview: Cyril Horsley – Part 3

February 19, 2021 OSA Admin 0

Cyril Horsley was at Sandbach School from 1938. He is the oldest Sandbachian that we know. He attended St Peter’s Primary School in Elworth, where he was a friend the late Reg Dunning. He was at the school through the war years and was able to give a unique insight into life in those difficult times.

Sandbach School Commemoration Day 2020

January 17, 2021 OSA Admin 0

Sandbach School paid tribute to the remarkable contribution of Old Sandbachian stalwart, Reg Dunning BEM, at the annual Commemoration Day service held in the school chapel on 22nd October 2020.

Interview: Cyril Horsley – Part 2

December 14, 2020 OSA Admin 0

Cyril Horsley was at Sandbach School from 1938. He is the oldest Sandbachian that we know. He attended St Peter’s Primary School in Elworth, where he was a friend the late Reg Dunning. He was at the school through the war years and was able to give a unique insight into life in those difficult times.

Obituary: Geoff Pike

December 10, 2020 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association is deeply saddened to hear from Sandbach School of the passing of Geoff Pike, a much-loved teacher and friend of the school.

He taught Business and IT at the school from 1999 and more recently worked at the Lodge with students on Alternative Provision.

Interview: Cyril Horsley – Part 1

November 10, 2020 OSA Admin 0

Cyril Horsley was at Sandbach School from 1938. He is the oldest Sandbachian that we know. He attended St Peter’s Primary School in Elworth, where he was a friend the late Reg Dunning. He was at the school through the war years and was able to give a unique insight into life in those difficult times.

Further Postponement of London 2020 Event

August 23, 2020 OSA Admin 0

With government restrictions still in place and travel still challenging, we have spoken to the RAF Club and have agreed to postpone this event for another 6 months.

The new date is March 13th 2021.

Obituary: Reg Dunning

July 4, 2020 OSA Admin 0

It is with the deepest sadness that we are letting you know of the death of Reg Dunning (BEM) earlier today.

Reg dedicated his life to Sandbach and in particular to Sandbach School. He was a founder member of the Old Sandbachians Rugby Club, now Sandbach RUFC, and served as a driving force and an officer of the Old Sandbachians for over 50 years.

Postponement of London 2020 Event at the RAF Club

March 14, 2020 OSA Admin 0

Having consulted with a number of parties, including the RAF Club, and acknowledging that at least 2 old boys would be unable to travel as they are coming from overseas, we have taken the decision to postpone the March event until October 24th.