Obituary: Reverend Jon Francis

March 17, 2021 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association was saddened to hear of the death of former headteacher of Sandbach School, Reverend Jon Francis.
Rev. Francis, a music and education graduate who was ordained in his early 20s, had studied music in Birmingham.

Obituary: Geoff Pike

December 10, 2020 OSA Admin 0

The Old Sandbachians’ Association is deeply saddened to hear from Sandbach School of the passing of Geoff Pike, a much-loved teacher and friend of the school.

He taught Business and IT at the school from 1999 and more recently worked at the Lodge with students on Alternative Provision.

Obituary: Reg Dunning

July 4, 2020 OSA Admin 0

It is with the deepest sadness that we are letting you know of the death of Reg Dunning (BEM) earlier today.

Reg dedicated his life to Sandbach and in particular to Sandbach School. He was a founder member of the Old Sandbachians Rugby Club, now Sandbach RUFC, and served as a driving force and an officer of the Old Sandbachians for over 50 years.

Obituary: Karol Gajewski

August 17, 2019 OSA Admin 0

Passed away on 29th July, 2019, aged 67. Formerly of Sandbach and a much respected history teacher at Sandbach School for 30 years. He was the husband of Marion, father of Andrew and Catherine, father-in-law to Jack and grandfather to Eloise and Susanna. He was a keen photographer, violinist and active member of St Joseph’s RC Church, Accrington.

Obituary: Gordon Carter

August 2, 2019 OSA Admin 0

We recently received the sad news of the death of Gordon Carter. I remember Gordon from my rugby days. He was a wonderful person and a gifted player, which was apparent still in his later career.
Andrew Messenger sent this affectionate obituary

Obituary: Colin Eastwood

July 12, 2019 OSA Admin 0

It is with sadness we report the death of Colin Eastwood on 25 June 2019 aged 86. Colin achieved a 1st Class Honours degree at Manchester University and came to Sandbach School as Head of English in 1964 until 1970.

He was a very popular member of staff, an inspirational teacher and a wonderful colleague.

Obituary: Richard Bass

April 12, 2019 OSA Admin 0

Richard Bass died in 2018.  He was one of the last boarders at Sandbach School and a long time friend of Geoff Piggott
Richard was born in Stoke-on-Trent and later lived in Tarporley.  He came to the school as a boarder in 1951 under Head Master W R Cubbon and House Master Alan Astins.